In the world of CNC machining and precision machining, as well as in the industry in general, there is a new important change in the domain of technologies. A new revolution following its predecessors in change, with the great revolutions in the world of industry these last centuries.
CNC Machining: Curiel Mechanics
In the nineteenth century, this race for evolution began with the steam engine and the railway. It followed this past twentieth century, mass production. And now, as the third and last outstanding revolution, entering the new 21st century, the insurrection of computers and the Internet. Three drastic developments have helped, at the same time, the advance of society to meet, today, the gestation of a new industrial revolution.
Today, from our blog of our company Mecánica Curiel Barcelona, company specialized in CNC machining and precision machining in Barcelona; We want to emphasize in this process that we have already begun to live and that in the industrial plane, as for CNC machining, has taken a concrete direction that begins to bear fruit.
Gurus and experts have started talking about the beginnings of the fourth revolution called “Industria 4.0”. Palpable and real facts demonstrate: Internet, intelligent interconnected devices, massive data analysis (‘Big data’), advanced manufacturing, the CNC machinery itself, robots, drones and the latest addition to our workshops and CNC machining companies, with great Impact on operating systems, 3D printing.
There are now printers in 3D printing with high quality standards that also work with different materials. Greater is therefore its emphasis, to emphasize, in the role they play in the CNC and precision machining companies, as in our company, Mecánica Curiel Barcelona.
3D printing or additive manufacturing is an increasingly widespread reality, although it still has to evolve a lot. At the moment we are facing the beginning of a change in the industry of CNC machining by the hand of these printers, but it is already possible to create pieces of different sizes and materials (plastic, metal, paper, ceramics, etc.) Or complex, through different printing methods.
CNC Machining of Barcelona: Curiel Mechanics
Today there are many industries close to and necessary for CNC machining and precision machining, such as the automotive or aeronautics industry, manufactures for which we work in Mecánica Curiel Barcelona, which have already tested the results of experimentation with 3D printing of parts.
The truth is that, incredible as it may seem to “print” a piece that we can palpate and pick up, 3D printing for precision machining offers advantages as simple as because of their complexity and shape, they are easier to print than Of assembling.
We will closely follow from Mecánica Curiel Barcelona, specialized precision machining company and CNC machining, the evolution of this new current that leads us to head to this new era of Industry 4.0.
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