Welcome another day to the blog of our CNC machining company in Barcelona, ​​in today’s new entry we will talk about viscosimetry, a service we have at our CNC machining company in Barcelona.

As you know, our CNC machining company in Barcelona is a pioneer in the field of machining, dominating precision machining with CNC machinery. This service is adapted to any need that our clients require.

To begin with, we must know that viscosimetry, in our company of CNC machining in Barcelona, ​​is the measurement of the viscosity of some fluids by special techniques.

Our viscometer products are always subject to rigorous quality control. In our CNC machining company in Barcelona, ​​all our employees are highly qualified professionals, it is a serious and committed team to guarantee the satisfaction of each of our clients.

Viscosity and viscometer

mecanizados-cnc-barcelonaIn our CNC machining company in Barcelona we know that the viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to deformations that may be produced by shear stresses or tensile stresses. Viscosity can also be correlated with the informal concept “thickness”. This characteristic is a physical property that may have some fluids, this happens when there are collisions between the particles of this and these particles move at different speeds, thus causing a resistance to their movement.

On the other hand, in our company of CNC machining of Barcelona we must know very thoroughly the function of the viscometer. We know that it is an instrument used to measure the viscosity and some other flow parameters of a fluid. Within the viscometers we can find the rotational viscometer and the vibration viscometer.

In our company of CNC machining of Barcelona we perfectly master all the techniques and innovations to give our clients the best products of the highest quality by the hand of our great team of professionals. Our clients rely on us in the wide field of CNC machining of Barcelona thanks to our great experience in the sector of the machining with CNC machinery and to our professionalism in the work.

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