Etiqueta: Machined CNC barcelona


Machining with machine tools

Welcome one more day to the blog of your company of mechanized of Barcelona, ​​in the new entry of today we will talk about a type of machining, more specifically, the machining with machine tool. This machining of Barcelona companies is done by means of a machine tool, which can be manual, semi-automatic or automatic. Classic Machining Tools Drill: In

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Everything we need to know about machining

Welcome one more day to the blog of Mecánica Curiel, your mechanized company in Barcelona. In this new entry today we will talk about everything that is basic to know about the machining process, that is, what we do in our company in Barcelona. To begin with, the process of machining in Barcelona is defined as a set of operations

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What is the purpose of the sealing?

Welcome one more day to your company of machining in Barcelona, ​​in the new entry today we will talk about the sealing, explain what is used and the process of sewing. Our company of mechanized of Barcelona knows that the sealing is the process of mass production of pieces of revolution, they can be used in infinity of different sectors

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Machining company in Barcelona

Our company is dedicated to the manufacture and construction of precision machining and assembly in Barcelona since 1972. The quality of our services combined with the latest technology and specialized attention have earned us the trust of our customers throughout all these years . In our company of mechanized of Barcelona you will be able to find the best professionals

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Machining center

Welcome one more day to the blog of our company of CNC machining in Barcelona, in the new entry today, we want to make a small introduction so that you know better that it is a machining center. Our CNC machining company in Barcelona has the best facilities and CNC machinery, as well as the most qualified team in the

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Cutting of CNC machining

Welcome another day to the blog of our CNC machining company in Barcelona, in today’s new entry we want to talk about the cutting of CNC machining, both the shear force and friction as well as the temperature they reach. When we speak of the cutting force, we refer to the necessary force to be exerted to cut and profile

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Stainless steel machining

In our CNC machining company in Barcelona, ​​one of the materials we use for our machining in Barcelona is stainless steel. Since this is a simple material, whose main component is the Iron with a small amount of carbon. The difference that CNC knows can exist between a machining in Barcelona of common or stainless steel is that this is

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  Hello everyone, and welcome one more day to our space dedicated to the information of mechanized, here in Mechanics Curiel, specialized in CNC machining in Barcelona. Today we are going to tell you about the importance of the cutting temperature that is reached during the manufacturing process of the different CNC machining in Barcelona. This factor is one of

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When we speak of the cutting force, we refer to the necessary force that we have to exert to cut and profile a CNC machining part. This force also intervenes in fundamental aspects to obtain an optimum result in the CNC machining, as the increase of the temperature of the part and of the tool, as well as the wear

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Mecanica Curiel: CNC machining in Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Madrid, Bilbao …

If there is a key factor in CNC machining that is, its accuracy. It is thanks to this characteristic that the CNC machining enjoys, in the production, of greater efficiency with, in addition, a greater security in the development of the process. If it were not for her, the errors and imperfections that even today, with that degree that almost

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