Finishing in precision machining
Every process we do in our day to day, everyday and simple that may seem, requires what, one might call, a readiness. We go out to the street, we have to polish our image with the appropriate clothes, the hairstyle and corresponding makeup; We drink our coffee, but we add milk, sugar and even we fix it with a couple of biscuits. In our own business, you have to sweep and scrub, dust off, so that tomorrow your best face looks again; And not only that, working for someone, in the work we do, we sure try to do our best to impress our superiors and feel, at the same time, proud of our work. In short, we do everything in our power to give our actions the finishing they deserve.
In the field of precision machining, this process is not only important but indispensable.
Finishing is a manufacturing process, not only limited to the aesthetics of the final product, but also used in industry, especially in the manufacture of precision machining, whose purpose is to obtain a surface with the characteristics suitable for later application. The finishing, by custom, has been taken into account only as a secondary process, since in most cases it attends to the external appearance of the product, an idea that in some cases is valid, but in the great majority, no. Even in some cases, the finishing process can have added purposes, such as getting the product to meet certain specifications, for example, some related to its size.
These are preconceived ideas, but the actuality of finishing processes, in precision machining, is understood as a stage in the manufacture of these, first grade, considering the requirements demanded by the products made by these industries.
That is why today in the blog of our company Mecanica Curiel Barcelona, we want to talk a little about this process, so important in our business and that we try with the maximum professionalism possible, to guarantee a final product of quality. Pieces that after their manufacture look rather shaven and need an appropriate preparation, so that afterwards have good effect as well as effectiveness.
We want to introduce superficial finishing techniques, so that you know them a little above. Although there are many, we will try some of the most used in our sector of precision machining and specifically in our small business. A method that we greatly appreciate because it helps us, to a great extent, to give that quality plus that we offer in all our services.
- Blasting
This process consists in the projection of abrasive materials, at high speed, on the surface, in such a way that the impact of said abrasives cleans the surface generating a certain roughness favorable to the adhesion. The blasting process is an efficient and efficient mechanical process for the cleaning and preparation of metal surfaces.
- Anodized
It is called anodizing the electrolytic process used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts. This technique is usually used on aluminum and titanium to generate a layer of artificial protection and to protect them from abrasion and corrosion. The coating is achieved by electrochemical procedures, and provides greater strength and durability of the aluminum, in addition to allowing its dyeing in a wide variety of colors.
- Filed
It is the manual operation by which, by the use of a file, small amounts of metal are removed, in order to give a piece the desired shape and dimensions. It is made with thin files, which give off little material and leave the surface free of appreciable grooves or tracks.
- Polished
It comes from the exercise and the result of polishing, a verb that refers to smoothing or giving smoothness and luster to a thing; Or embellish it, decorate it or optimize it. This process of creating a smooth and shiny surface, to remove irregularities and leave the surface smooth, can be done by dedicated instruments or by certain chemical actions.
- Burnish
It is a finishing process with chip start that is made to a previously rectified piece, with the aim of raising precision and surface quality. Its final objective is to obtain a surface with a very small roughness. Generally it is used in the finishing of pieces of precision machining, performing the refinement by means of a wheel covered with leather.
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