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Maquinaria y aplicaciones del CNC en Barcelona

Los mecanizados CNC de Barcelona deben su nombre a las siglas de “Control Numérico por Computadora”, este proceso utiliza una serie de herramientas con tal de fabricar una gran cantidad de piezas con una mayor calidad y precisión que cualquier otro sistema. Esta tecnología es muy compleja y puede tener distintas aplicaciones, por ese motivo, en el artículo de hoy

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Mecanizados CNC España

Bienvenidos un día más al maravilloso blog de Mecánica Curiel, en el día de hoy hablaremos sobre los mecanizados CNC España, veremos las numerosas ventajas que aportan dichos mecanizados CNC a la industria, primero veremos que son exactamente y para qué sirven y para qué tipo de empresas y trabajos están destinados. El mecanizado CNC de curiel puede estar dirigido

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CNC machining and 3D printing

Welcome one more day to the blog of Mecánica Curiel Barcelona, ​​in the new entry today, we bring you a very new topic, since as you know, today we are living a great digital transformation, in which all companies in Barcelona, ​​have To continually renew their methods and production processes. Undoubtedly, 3D printers have a major role in this great

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Everything we need to know about machining

Welcome one more day to the blog of Mecánica Curiel, your mechanized company in Barcelona. In this new entry today we will talk about everything that is basic to know about the machining process, that is, what we do in our company in Barcelona. To begin with, the process of machining in Barcelona is defined as a set of operations

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Our company Welcome to the blog of Mecánica Curiel, a Tarragona company, leader in the construction of all types of machining, but especially dedicated to the valving, offering in all our products a maximum quality. A valve is a mechanical device used to regulate, start and stop the passage of gases or liquids using a piece that moves, closing and

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One of the main elements to take into account to work with precision machining is the lashing used to hold the piece to be machined. With a good fastening system we ensure a perfect finish and avoid possible problems arising from the movement of the part during precision machining. Functions of the clamps In all the processes of precision machining,

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CNC machining: The microprocessor

  We have been talking a lot on our blog of Mecánica Curiel, CNC machining workshop in Barcelona, ​​on the key and fundamental piece that marks, and will continue to do so for a long time, the future of our work: numerical control tools and machines. Its importance is such that, although we often do not realize it, without its

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CNC Barcelona Machining: 3D Printing

In the world of CNC machining and precision machining, as well as in the industry in general, there is a new important change in the domain of technologies. A new revolution following its predecessors in change, with the great revolutions in the world of industry these last centuries. CNC Machining: Curiel Mechanics In the nineteenth century, this race for evolution

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The deco

The deco In the last years, precision machining workshops and companies have increased their automation to compete in a globalized market that offers a multiplicity of possibilities, not only in our borders, but in any country in the world. An advantage, which in turn has been driven by the need to adapt to the situation of the moment that responded

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The 3D in precision machining

The 3D in precision machining    Machining processes today have great importance in the productive activity, both directly, in the manufacture of the necessary products and components, and indirectly, for the elaboration of auxiliary elements, such as tools Precision machining, or elements for the manufacture of products needed for larger processes. In the technological landscape, the course of the world

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