Milling machines have a very important function in the precision machining, which is one of the main jobs we do in our company Mecànica Curiel, and is used to make cuts in order to create precision mechanical parts, for this the milling machine is very necessary, since with it we can make any type of cutting and most importantly, achieving a very precise finish that would be impossible to achieve by a human.
This machine is used in precision machining It has four different parts, which are the cutter that is attached to the axis or also called the carriage, the stabilized part that controls that the piece we are working with does not move and finally the interface, and all of them play a very important role. important when carrying out these jobs in this precise way that we were talking about. In addition, it can also perform different movements, for this reason, below we are going to talk about these movements and what the final finish we achieve is.
The movements of milling machines when performing precision machining
As we have said before, the milling machine can move in different directions in order to make all types of cuts, specifically there are three different movements
Thanks to all these movements that can be performed with a milling machine in the precision machining, we can obtain different cutting results, such as face milling, squaring, cubing, guiding resurfacing, shape resurfacing, keyway resurfacing and lathe, among others.
With all these options that we have at our disposal, we can obtain different results and make a large number of very different pieces, from those that can be done with more basic work to those that are much more complex and require greater precision.
In our workshop, in addition to the milling machine, we have many other machines and we choose one tool or another depending on the demand of our clients, always based on their needs and the option that will be most beneficial for them, since it is they who must decide which one. It is the end result you want and our main goal is to achieve your maximum satisfaction.
Although the supervision of a person is always necessary in a workshop precision machiningNowadays, many machines are used that are very efficient and always guarantee top quality work, such as those that work with numerical control, so it is very important that we are always up to date with all the latest developments, so yes If you need some of our services, contact us.
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