Tag: machining


Machining factory, one of the fastest and most efficient sectors

When we talk about carrying out effective work in record time, the first thing that comes to mind are machining factories, since if there is one thing that characterizes them, it is this, because their main function is to make parts in the shortest time possible. and with exact precision, since they are usually very important pieces that

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Chip removal machining from our Barcelona company (II)

In the last article on our blog, we talked about different aspects related to chip removal machining, such as the processes it follows, the types of materials that can be used when practicing this technique and the three main movements, so We only have to talk about the different types of tools that can be used

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Chip removal machining from our company in Barcelona (I)

Mecánica Curiel, we are a machining company in Barcelona in which we have been carrying out different types of machining for many years, among which we want to highlight machining by chip removal, since it is one of the oldest processes that we already used in our the beginning. To begin, from our machining company in Barcelona we believe that it is

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The folding process in our machining workshop

In a machining workshop, a large number of different processes and techniques can be used to achieve the best result, so the choice will depend on what we are looking for, the material we are working with, the dimensions, among other factors. In our company Mecánica Curiel, we have a large number of alternatives, as long as

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Materials from Barcelona machining

The tools used in machining in Barcelona have great quality and precision since, if this were not the case, we would not be able to ensure effectiveness and quality when manufacturing all the parts. In this way, in today's article we will see what these materials are and why they have such an important role in

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Machining processes within a workshop

Machining workshops allow us to obtain a series of parts, manufactured with some type of raw metal, by eliminating different parts of the material. This continuous elimination means that, in several steps, the piece is completely cut out. It is important that we keep in mind that, in this type of processes, no type of bending is usually carried out.

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How is bar turning used in different sectors?

Before knowing more technical aspects or more extensive information, it is necessary that we know some basic definitions. To begin with, Barcelona bar turning is a mass manufacturing process that is used to create revolutionary pieces. Thanks to the finish that this process gives to the pieces, there are many sectors and industries that require them to

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Barcelona machining workshops: Types of movements

In today's new entry we will talk about the movements and types of machining that exist in the market, with which the final pieces are created in the workshops. To do this, the first thing we must know is that, in a machining workshop in Barcelona, pieces are made through a set of industrial processes, giving them shape and

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Milling in precision machining

We can define the milling process for precision machining as the cut that is made in the metal in order to create precision mechanical parts. To carry out this process, in addition to having a specialized workshop, a machine called a milling machine is necessary, which is capable of making all types of cuts with an exceptional finish that

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Painted finish of precision machining in Barcelona

At Mecánica Curiel we carry out all types of precision machining in Barcelona, among which we can find turning, milling, welding, cutting, sharpening, among many others. Furthermore, the products we use to make these pieces vary depending on the client, so they can be made of steel, aluminum, plastic or bronze. Although these processes are key to

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