Tag: Barcelona machining


Mecanizados CNC: precisión en el eje Z y control de vibraciones

Control del eje Z El mecanizado CNC (Control Numérico por Computadora) es una tecnología avanzada que ha transformado la fabricación de piezas mediante el uso de máquinas controladas por computadora. Una de las áreas más técnicas y cruciales en los mecanizados CNC cerca de Barcelona es el control del movimiento en el eje Z y la gestión de vibraciones durante

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How do we handle aluminum in our machining workshop in Barcelona?

In our precision machining workshop in Barcelona we make all types of parts in different materials and today we want to talk about aluminum, since they have different characteristics. There is a great demand in our machining workshop to do CNC machining with aluminum parts, because there are sectors that require this type of products, such as

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What should you know about a CNC machining center?

A CNC machining center is made up of reconfigurable machines, which allow various machining tasks to be carried out on the same part and offer uniformity in production, which represents a great advantage for mass production. These machines have a great capacity to carry out large amounts of operations in an automated way, managing to increase the speed of

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What conventional machining processes are the most used?

In our machining workshop in Barcelona we carry out many types of processes to achieve the best precision machining. In today's article we are going to talk to you about the most used machining processes, so that you can learn what they consist of and know a little more about their development. Turning; It is a process that consists of

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The folding process in our machining workshop

In a machining workshop, a large number of different processes and techniques can be used to achieve the best result, so the choice will depend on what we are looking for, the material we are working with, the dimensions, among other factors. In our company Mecánica Curiel, we have a large number of alternatives, as long as

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Machining processes within a workshop

Machining workshops allow us to obtain a series of parts, manufactured with some type of raw metal, by eliminating different parts of the material. This continuous elimination means that, in several steps, the piece is completely cut out. It is important that we keep in mind that, in this type of processes, no type of bending is usually carried out.

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Innovative techniques in precision machining

Precision machining is constantly evolving in order to be able to offer the different sectors that require it, the most precise parts with the highest quality. For this reason, in today's article we will talk about the latest techniques that are being used in this type of workshops when making precision cuts to create

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Painted finish of precision machining in Barcelona

At Mecánica Curiel we carry out all types of precision machining in Barcelona, among which we can find turning, milling, welding, cutting, sharpening, among many others. Furthermore, the products we use to make these pieces vary depending on the client, so they can be made of steel, aluminum, plastic or bronze. Although these processes are key to

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The importance of having CNC machining in Barcelona on time

In our company we are specialized in offering CNC machining in Barcelona and surrounding areas, since for those of you who still do not know what these machines are about, you should know that it is a type of machinery that offers equal and very precise products, usually of aluminum, which are made from numerical control through

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News in Barcelona machining systems

Since they began to be used years ago, Barcelona's machining systems have gone through a great evolution, especially in recent years. Currently, there are many countries that are committed to this type of manufacturing, such as the United States, England and Germany, among others. We must keep in mind that this has directly to do with the type

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