Tag: machining workshop


Discover the Secrets: How to Choose the Best Machining Workshop with Curiel Mechanics

In the competitive world of engineering and manufacturing, choosing the right machine shop is crucial to ensuring quality and precision in the production of key components and parts. In this sense, Mecánica Curiel stands as an undisputed reference in the province of Barcelona, with more than four decades of experience in the sector.

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Machining workshop: count on the best professionals for your requirements

A machine shop continually advances and invests in technologies to achieve the greatest efficiency in the manufacturing of products. They provide CNC machining services to various companies for different applications. It houses various CNC machines used in the machining of different simple and complex parts using subtractive techniques. The workshop uses materials such as plastic, metals, composites, wood, etc., to form

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The errors you should avoid in precision machining

It is important to limit the complexity of precision machining, eliminating all those elements that are not necessary in order to reduce milling time and production costs. The first thing we must keep in mind is to avoid elements that require precision machining, since a common mistake is designing parts with areas that do not have

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What advantages does the CNC machinery in our machining workshop offer?

CNC numerical control machinery represents one of the best options for turning machining, in which we are specialists at Mecánica Curiel. In our machining workshop we work on drilling, milling, slotting and other metal cutting operations that are carried out automatically through orders received from a computer. Thanks to the CNC machinery that we use in our

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Did you know that our CNC machining workshop has ISO 9001:2015?

At Mecánica Curiel, as a CNC machining workshop, we have ISO 9001:2015 certification, which certifies the organization's Quality Management System, being specialists in the machining and assembly of precision parts. It is an international standard that allows quality management systems to be regulated and helps companies improve.

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How do we handle aluminum in our machining workshop in Barcelona?

In our precision machining workshop in Barcelona we make all types of parts in different materials and today we want to talk about aluminum, since they have different characteristics. There is a great demand in our machining workshop to do CNC machining with aluminum parts, because there are sectors that require this type of products, such as

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What is the origin of machining processes?

In our machining workshop we work with very precise machinery of the highest quality and latest generation, but we know that this sector was not born with all the features and functionalities that we know today, but rather has evolved to perfect the techniques, until reaching to the precision machining that we know today. How and when

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What is a CNC workshop like?

A CNC workshop follows high levels of demand to obtain exact, unique and safe parts and, in addition, must have specific facilities, since they have large machinery that requires many square meters to be installed safely. In the CNC workshop, different elaborations are carried out, but mainly the

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What does the job of a CNC machine operator entail?

As a machining workshop we believe that it is interesting to explain what work a machining operator does and how he carries out his duties, since not all people are prepared to do this type of work and special qualities are needed. Although CNC machining works by numerical control and does not require much intervention

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What does grinding machined parts consist of?

The grinding machine is a very important piece in a machining workshop, because it is used to fix and rectify pieces both in large dimensions and in surface finishes and can carry out functions such as polishing or lapping. Five types of grinding machines As a machining workshop we are going to talk to you about grinding machines, an essential element to correct and finish

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