Everything we need to know about machining

Welcome one more day to the Mecánica Curiel blog, your company of mechanized of Barcelona. In this new post today we will talk about everything that is basic to know about the process of machining, that is, what we do in our company of Barcelona.

To begin with, the process of machining in Barcelona We define it as a set of operations necessary to modify the characteristics of the raw material. These characteristics can be of a very varied nature such as shape, size or aesthetics.

Different types of machining

  • Machining by chip removal: In this process that we know in our company of mechanized of Barcelona, the material is torn or cut with a tool, resulting in waste or chips. This tool consists of one or more edges or blades that separate the chip from the piece in each pass. In this machining roughing and finishing processes occur.
  • Machining by abrasion: The machining Abrasion is the removal of material by wearing down the piece in small quantities, releasing particles of material, in many cases, incandescent. This process is also known by our company of mechanized of Barcelona. Furthermore, this machining It is carried out by the action of an electric or pneumatic tool called an emery board and of course the grinding wheel.
  • Machining manual: This machining It is what is done by a person with exclusively manual tools such as a saw, file, chisel, etc. In this case, our company of mechanized of Barcelona knows that this job requires more skill and strength on the part of the employee.
  • Machining with machine tool: As our company has already said before company of mechanized of Barcelona, he machining It is carried out by means of a machine tool, whether manual, semi-automatic or automatic. In this way, the effort or action of mechanize It is carried out by means of mechanical equipment, with the necessary motors and mechanisms.

From our company of mechanized of Barcelona We hope to have clarified a little more the complex process of machining and its different types.

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