The two key elements of a precision machining company

find one precision machining company Promising high-quality parts on time and at the right price is one thing. But whether or not that company has what it takes to deliver on that promise is a completely different story.

So how can you identify a superior precision machining partner in a sea of “good enough” shops? Start by understanding what happens behind the doors of a precision machining company.

Precision machining company: so you can select the ideal one according to your needs

Before working with a precision machining company, be sure to ask them about these critical aspects of their business:


You will need to determine if the equipment and capabilities of the precision machining company are the right ones for your parts.

If you have a complex part and the shop uses mostly old machines, they probably can't achieve the level of precision you need.

If you have a simple part and the shop only uses high-tech equipment, you'll probably end up spending more than necessary.

Inspection equipment is also a crucial consideration. The shop may be able to machine a part, but can they inspect it to make sure it meets all requirements? To obtain extremely precise parts, you will need to have a coordinate measuring machine (CMM) on hand.

Precision machine shops use the rule of 10 when it comes to quality, which dictates that the equipment used to inspect a feature must be 10 times more accurate than the feature being checked.


Capacity and delivery time are two important factors to consider in relation to each other. A precision machining company You may promise a two-week delivery time on your website, but delivery times are measured from the project start date. If shop capacity is low or non-existent, they may not be able to start the project for a month; suddenly, a “2 week lead time” becomes more like 6 weeks.

Keep in mind that a shop with limited capacity at any given time could still be an excellent partner for precision machining. Low capacity often indicates that a shop is in high demand because they are excellent at what they do. If you are sure that a precision machining company particular is the best option for your project, it is worth chatting about what they can do for you. A precision machining company It will help you solve your manufacturing problems and provide you with significant value.

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