Tag: origin


Origin and information about CNC technology

Welcome one more day to the blog of Mecanica Curiel, your trusted company specialized in the manufacture of parts through a CNC workshop. In today's new entry we will talk about what the origin is and we will discover everything we need to know about CNC technology. Although at first it was not very easy to have a CNC machine,

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Everything you need to know about computer numerical control

Welcome back to the Mecánica Curiel blog, a place where you will find all the information related to the activity of our CNC machining company, such as today's new article, in which we want to talk about computer numerical control, with as long as you know perfectly what it is about and how it works.  

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Origin of CNC machining

In addition to knowing how it works and what types of CNC machining we can find, it is always helpful to know its origin in order to better understand what the needs were that moved the person who invented it to do it. In this way, we will understand the reason for its operation and design. CNC machining emerged in the year

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