precision machining


Precision machining, an essential tool in the industrial sector

In recent decades, the continuous technological advances that have been applied in different production processes have revolutionized the industrial sector, achieving results that were unthinkable years ago and collaborating in increasing its competitiveness in the market. Among these advances, precision machining has become one of the most important for

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What work is carried out in a CNC workshop?

In today's article we want to talk to you about all those jobs and processes that are carried out in a CNC workshop and also explain how it can differ from a machining workshop. The difference between a CNC workshop and a machining workshop is found in the equipment philosophy, dimensions and many other things.

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Characteristics of precision machining

Precision machining is exact parts that require maximum accuracy in their manufacturing and specialized machinery to create them, that is, machines that have complex systems to produce them prepared to obtain maximum accuracy in the results. Precision machining is necessary for many aspects of our lives and has become an element

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What are lubrication oils used for in machining processes in a CNC workshop?

Various factors influence the machining process of a part, such as the material to be machined, the machine to be used, the clamping that the part needs, the tools used in the CNC workshop, etc. But to carry out many of these processes it is necessary to use lubrication oils, whether it is cutting oil or

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How does precision machining by chip removal work?

Chip removal is the removal of all excess material in a blank, to obtain a product ready to be used in a manufacturing process. Chip removal removes or cuts the material from a piece with a tool, generating this excess material that is separated from the piece with the

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What relationship does CNC machining have with our daily lives?

CNC machining refers to the numerical control of machining machines and tools using a computer and has existed since the 70s. But although we see CNC machining as very distant or specifically oriented for industries, we can assure you that we have it much more present in our daily life than we think, since we work daily

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¿Qué debes tener en cuenta al contratar una empresa de mecanizados de precisión?

Es importante que antes de contratar los servicios de una empresa de mecanizados de precisión te asegures de que ésta cuenta con un variado número de productos y distintos tipos de maquinaria especializada, para que deje patente su versatilidad y todas las posibilidades que puede ofrecerte. Además de la maquinaria especializada para llevar a cabo los mecanizados de precisión es

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The errors you should avoid in precision machining

It is important to limit the complexity of precision machining, eliminating all those elements that are not necessary in order to reduce milling time and production costs. The first thing we must keep in mind is to avoid elements that require precision machining, since a common mistake is designing parts with areas that do not have

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What advantages does the CNC machinery in our machining workshop offer?

CNC numerical control machinery represents one of the best options for turning machining, in which we are specialists at Mecánica Curiel. In our machining workshop we work on drilling, milling, slotting and other metal cutting operations that are carried out automatically through orders received from a computer. Thanks to the CNC machinery that we use in our

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Did you know that our CNC machining workshop has ISO 9001:2015?

At Mecánica Curiel, as a CNC machining workshop, we have ISO 9001:2015 certification, which certifies the organization's Quality Management System, being specialists in the machining and assembly of precision parts. It is an international standard that allows quality management systems to be regulated and helps companies improve.

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